An E-Mail-address search engine which searches Gopher servers and other servers attached to them. (See search engine.)
One of the most popular Web browsers. Netscape provides multimedia display of Web pages, FTP sites, Gopher, etc. In addition, it includes internal software for dealing with electronic mail and newsgroups. (See Gopher, FTP Usenet, E-Mail, browser.)
Net Search
A popular search engine. Net Search lets you conduct keyword-based and menu-based searches. (See search engine.)
A system of two or more computers, which transmits information between various different computers. (See WAN, LAN.)
A nickname for a new newsgroup member.
(See newsgroups, Usenet.)
Discussion groups on Usenet devoted to specific topics. Currently, approximately 10,000 newsgroups exist.
Software that lets a user both receive messages from and send messages to a newsgroup. (See application, newsgroups, Usenet.)
News server
A server providing Newsgroups services.
(See Usenet, newsgroups, server.)
A name chosen by a user for use on the Internet. It's customary to use nicknames on IRC and as shortened E-Mail addresses.